Many have asked about Stoneys family being tested to be a living kidney donor. His dad passed away in May 2015. Due to his mom’s age she is unable to be a living kidney donor.
Stoneys kidney disease being hereditary means his daughters do not qualify to be a donor. Sometimes they can be a carrier, but Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) may not show up until they are older. Stoney wasn’t diagnosed until 2011.
The reason I am writing this is to say they are still some of Stoney’s biggest living donor champions!
What is a living donor champion? It’s a family member, friend or loved one who helps spread the word in finding Stoney a living kidney donor, allowing Stoney to focus on his health.
We know living donation may not be for everyone - but YOU can still help! Help us by sharing Stoneys story with everyone you know. Share on Facebook, in your company newsletters, emails, church bulletins, etc. Know a business or somewhere we can place flyers, let me know. At the very least we want to bring awareness to kidney disease and living donation.
We are hopeful our efforts will help Stoney receive a kidney sooner and encourage others to consider helping the many people on the wait list.
Thanks again for sharing Stoney’s story. #youhaveapairwhynotshare #raisekidneyawareness #doitforstoney #stoneyneedsakidney #wearefightingforstoney