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  • Writer's pictureAKidneyforStoney

Some days are better than others!

Some days are better than others and today my dental hygienist asked me “are you under a lot of stress or tense, because it looks like you are grinding your teeth a lot”

Me - ummm no, all is good. THEN, dentist comes by - how is your husband doing? Geez, I can usually smile, nod and say LIFE IS GOOD! Well today wasn’t that day and I started sharing Stoneys story of needing another transplant! And found myself fighting back the tears and on the inside saying, come on Sheila get it together.

With that being said, I reminded myself it’s okay and this is real life. Stoney is in kidney failure and needs a kidney sooner than later. I spent some time talking about Stoneys story to people I barely know, sharing flyers to staff and even a few to patients walking in.

Is it easy? No it isn’t but no one is going to come knocking on our front door with a kidney. We must speak up, share Stoneys story, give out flyers and be that voice for Stoney and so many others in need of a transplant!

Keeping our faith strong, trusting in him and as Matthew West says in his song “Don’t Stop Praying!”

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